How do I stop my beach towel blowing away, was a question I pondered whilst sat on Talamanca beach in Ibiza back in 2008.
Every time I got up to walk to the sea or moved to get a drink the towel moved.
Whilst I appreciate the towel in question was a 6' x 6' beach sheet that have recently become popular, it just would not stay in place!
Gets back to UK, decides to invent something!
The initial designs were to add eyelets to the four corners of a towel with a simple tent peg. Note to self, they rust in the sand and try asking all the towel/sheet/blanket manufacturers to add eyelets.
Back to the drawing board.
The next version was the product you see today, 100% UK made injection moulded polypropylene, manufactured by Form Mould & Tooling in Suffolk.
The image is a photograph of the original 3d printed prototype being put through its paces in North Wales.
To be continued...